
Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Liberty stars...

I love this quilt. 

I sleep under it every night.

I made it in 2005. It took a loooong time and is huge. I have mentioned before my slightly obsessive 'if it takes a long time then it is better' theory. 

I began hand piecing this whilst working as a Textile designer in London. Once again quilting was my personal, and most importantly, private passion. When you (try) to make a living from your own creativity it is important, actually essential to create something that is made purely for the love and joy of it.

Not to be judged by others. 

Or sold. 

Or to be tested and found wanting.

Or to be validated by money.

The white squares are all hand embroidered linens found in charity shops and auctions over the years. This quilt is largely made up of Liberty Tana lawn and backed in a huge (and extravagant!) piece of paisley Liberty.

It has softened and been made subtle with washing and wear over the years.

 And it has gone straight back on my bed :)

Cait x